Strength for the Journey
What is a Ranger and what does he do?
All those accepted into the Urban Ranger Corps program are considered Rangers (members). Rangers learn the responsibility of hard work, how to work respectfully and effectively with others, discover their own interests and passions and take pride in giving back to their communities.
Our objective is to provide activities and resources that assist Rangers to:
Graduate from high school with an above average GPA.
Set and achieve career and academic goals.
Understand different career opportunities including entrepreneurship.
Improve financial knowledge and understanding of money management.
Get involved in productive neighborhood and community activities.
Gain real world experience and training through paid work experience.
Choose at least one of the following paths after high school: College or University Education, Trade or Technical School Education, Military or Law Enforcement, or Begin a Career (Go Straight to Work)
of Rangers served are African-American Males between the ages of 11 and 18.
of Rangers served are below the poverty line.
of Rangers served are from single-parent, female led households.
of Rangers served attend Kansas City Public Schools and area Charter Schools.
What are the benefits of being a Ranger?
Rangers gain a variety benefits from participation in the URC program.
Participants receive one-on-one and small group mentoring led by our Success Coaches.
Participants develop a written goal plans to help them prepare for their future.
Participants earn a paid stipend in the summer ranging from $500 to $1500. Stipend amount depends on grade and level of participation.
Participants are recognized for academic performance and community involvement, each semester of the school year.
Participants who complete the program and graduate successfully from high school will qualify for the URC Hopes and Dreams College Scholarship Fund.
Participants who complete the program and graduate successfully from high school will take part in a Senior Trip.